Strategy & Consulting
We translate your business objectives into concrete AI solutions with tangible business value.
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Strategy & Consulting

What you can expect

We support you in every step of your AI journey to achieve your specific business goals.

With a full picture of an organization’s current capabilities and strategic vision, we help you define your AI vision and develop a roadmap to achieve it.

From inspiring change and identifying use cases, to building tech stacks and lasting capabilities, our work maximizes value across the entire AI transformation journey. We also help with the organizational change and risk management needed to sustain the significant value that can be created from AI.

Our goal is to deliver concrete, actionable recommendations to boost your AI journey and pave the way for upcoming transformation.

tailored solutions

This is for you if...

You have a project in mind and the necessary data but need help choosing, developing, and implementing the right solution
You have successfully implemented some quick wins, but you need support on what comes next
You have implemented AI in certain parts of the business, but you need a strategic vision to adopt AI at scale for sustainable business growth

We future-proof your business

AI Consulting

Choosing which AI project to tackle next can be difficult. Defining the best solution for your specific goals can be too.

We help you realize how many opportunities come from implementing AI solutions into your business, finding the best technology for a given problem and defining an MVP solution with immediate value.

Once tangible value has been proven, we help you lay the foundations to scale and accelerate business value, expand usage of AI across the organization.

AI Strategy

To be a market leader tomorrow, you need a clear and compelling AI strategy today.

We help you reimagine processes, foster adoption, and develop the right capabilities, roles, and governance for a successful AI vision that maximises business value.

Have the Atlan team do a deep dive to identify your current gaps, and together define a tailored plan across the five pillars of AI -Vision, Data, Tech, Talent and Governance- to achieve your business goals.


Main benefits

Uncover operational bottlenecks

Identify areas in your operations where AI can streamline processes and improve efficiency

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Pinpoint customer engagement opportunities

Locate customer touchpoints where AI can enhance engagement and personalization

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Accelerate business transformation

Enhance leadership skills for successful AI transformation and change management.

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Next steps

Intro call
A 45-min prep call with your stakeholders
Discovery Session
Before starting any project, we set up a Discovery Session to gain an in-depth understanding of your unique business needs and brainstorm possible solutions together
Tailored Proposal
If we decide to kick off a project together, we craft a bespoke AI strategy for your business. This includes a step-by-step plan to address your specific business challenges
Book a Free Assessment Today
Reach out and book a 30-min consultation to assess your current AI possibilities for free
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AI Free Assessment
30 mins