AI Trainings
Empower your teams to master AI skills, tools and strategy topics to make them superhuman. A 1, 2 or 3 day workshop for your whole team or specific team members - from staff to leadership focused sessions.
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AI Trainings

What you can expect

AI knowledge, skills and strategy will become extremely important for almost any organization in the future.

We help you succeed in this journey with practical sessions and hands-on experience to bridge the gap between AI theory and its practical business application. Our in-company trainings are tailored to your needs and require no prior AI knowledge.

By the end of the training, you will have an action plan with potential next steps for your AI journey.

Our goal is to enable you to tackle real-world scenarios that deliver tangible business results.

tailored solutions

This is for you if...

You want to maximise the benefits of the best AI tools such as ChatGPT, Midjourney, etc. without privacy nor security hassles
You are a business manager looking to deepen your AI knowledge and skills to support your teams with leadership and best practices
You are an executive leader who need to quickly develop a coherent AI strategy to support and drive AI adoption in your organization

What to choose from

AITools Workshop

Save time in employee day-to-day tasks with the best AI tools such as ChatGPT and Midjourney, without need for integrations.

Designed for: anyone across the company.

⏱ 3h


  • understand the technology behind Generative AI and its business potential
  • master the creation of advanced prompts
  • identify practical use cases for your business
  • handle security and privacy risks in accordance with GDPR
  • debunk common myths about AI to ensure adoption

AI4Business Onboarding

Start your AI journey with a solid foundation on how to bring business value with AI, what it takes to bring AI to the real word in a production environment and how you lead teams that will work with applied AI in your business, products and services.

Designed for: business managers, product owners and project managers.

 2 days


  • understand the AI principles and business applications
  • learn to identify and prioritize valuable AI use cases for your business
  • discover practical strategies to bring AI solutions from concept to implementation in your organization
  • develop leadership skills to support your teams when applying AI in your organization
AI4Executives Masterclass

Equip decision makers with the knowledge they need to work strategically with AI – and lead their organizations in the adoption of AI in the coming years.

Designed for: senior leaders and executives.



  • understand the basics of AI technology, its capabilities and its limitations
  • learn to evaluate the readiness and potential for AI in your organization
  • acquire strategic thinking to integrate AI into business strategies, organizational design, and value creation
  • Develop ethical considerations and legislative awareness for responsible AI strategies


Main benefits

Augment talent to generate ROI

Boost efficiency and create more meaningful work with the widespread adoption of AI across your organization.

Learn more ->

Bridge the gap between business and tech

Bridge the gap between AI theory and its practical business application to ensure impactful business outcomes.

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Accelerate business transformation

Enhance leadership skills for successful AI transformation and change management.

Learn more ->

Next steps

Intro call
A 45-min prep call with your stakeholders
Book date
Set a date and location for the AI Discovery Session
After our session, you'll receive the list of AI ideas and project estimates
Book a Free Assessment Today
Reach out and book a 30-min consultation to assess your current AI possibilities for free
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AI Free Assessment
30 mins