Fill empowers Talent Acquisition with AI
In the dynamic world of talent acquisition, Fill is charting a unique course by thoughtfully integrating the latest technologies to enrich the user experience of recruiting. As a key player in bridging talent with opportunities, Fill joined forces with Atlan to integrate AI into their business strategy effectively.
strategic focus
Services used
Strategy & Consulting
strategic focus
Services used
Strategy & Consulting

Customer Background

Fill offers a platform that connects Talent Acquisition teams and suppliers of candidates, making life easier for everyone involved in talent acquisition processes. Recognising the potential of AI to transform their solution, Fill faced the challenge of integrating AI effectively to benefit their users and internal operations.


Despite understanding AI's importance, Fill struggled with how to implement it strategically. As a small company, determining where to place their bets in AI adoption was crucial. Fill needed a clear picture of market trends, potential AI impacts, and internal team alignment on AI's role in their operations.


Fill's decision to collaborate with Atlan marked the beginning of a transformative journey. Through strategic consulting and a series of workshops, Atlan provided Fill with external market insights, guidance on strategic AI investments, and facilitated team discussions to align understanding and address concerns about AI's adoption.

The Atlan Effect

  • Strategic Clarity: Through Atlan's workshops, Fill gained clear insights into focusing their AI efforts effectively, steering clear of investments in areas that don't align with their core objectives. This strategic clarity is guiding Fill towards more efficient and targeted use of resources.
  • Enhancing Efficiency: The introduction of new tools and AI-driven processes is setting the stage for significant enhancements in Fill’s operational efficiency. This evolution allows the team to dedicate more time to strategic endeavours, optimising both productivity and resource allocation.
  • User-centric Experience: Fill is leveraging AI to empower their users with actionable insights and data analytics, simplifying traditionally complex manual processes. This integration aims to transform decision-making for their users, making it faster and more relevant.

"It's not just about what we've started doing; it's about what we've decided not to do. This focus has allowed us to enhance our efficiency and direct our resources more effectively."

Kristoffer, CEO at Fill.

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30 mins